Core blocks

An overview of Dust Apps core blocks. You'll learn about their functionality and usage.

Dust apps are composed of Blocks which are executed sequentially. Each block
produces outputs and can refer to the outputs of previously executed blocks. We invite you to review
the sections on Inputs and Execution to better
understand the execution logic of a Dust app.

For each block we describe its specification parameters and configuration parameters. Please
refer to the Blocks section for more details on the difference between the two.

Input block

The input block is the entry point to a Dust app and receives the arguments on which the app is
executed, in the form of JSON objects. During the design phase of the app it is associated to a
Dataset of examples used to iterate on the app. When deployed by API, the
input block receives the arguments passed to the app by API.
Refer to the Inputs section for more details on how the input block forks the
execution of the app in independent execution streams. When run by API, the dataset to which the
input block is associated is ignored and replaced by the arguments passed by API.


  • dataset: The dataset of examples to be executed by the app during the design phase.
    Ignored and replaced by the arguments passed when run by API.

Data block

The data block outputs the dataset it is associated with. Unlike the input block it does not
fork the execution of the app and simply returns the entire dataset as an array of JSON objects.
The data block is generally used in conjunction with an llm block to output a dataset of
few-shot examples to prompt models.


  • dataset: The dataset of examples to be returned by the block as array.

Code block

The code block executes the Javascript code provided by the user. The code must define a function
_fun which takes as input an env variable. _fun is executed as the block is run by the app.
code blocks are generally used to glue other blocks together by postprocessing previous blocks


  • code: The code to be executed. Exposed as a function named _fun taking an env
    variable as argument.

Properties of the env variable

  • state: An object whose fields are the name of previously executed blocks and values
    are the output of the associated blocks. The output of a previously executed
    EXAMPLE block can be accessed as env.state.EXAMPLE.
  • input: An object with fields input and index. input is the input object of
    the current execution stream, null if there is no input block executed
    yet. index is the index of the current input object in the dataset
    associated with the input block.
  • map: An optional object set only in the context of a block being executed as part
    of a map reduce pair. If set, contains a field name set to the name of
    the current map block and a field iteration which is the index of the
    element being executed as part of the map reduce.
  • config: The configuration with which the app is currently run. An object whose keys
    are block names and values are the associated configuration values.

Chat block (LLM)

The chat block provides a standardized interface to chat-based Large Language Models such as
OpenAI's gpt-4o (Chat API) or Anthropic's claude-3.5-sonnet. It has templated instructions
that serve as initial prompt and exposes a messages code block to output previous messages
(generally passed to the app as input)
It is used to build chat-based experiences where the model is exposed with previous interactions and
generates a new message in response.

Prompt templating

The instructions field of the chat block can be templated using the
Tera language. This is particularly useful to construct few-shot
prompts for models from datasets or previous blocks' outputs. Here's an example of a templated model prompt:

{% for e in EXAMPLES %}
EN: {{e.english}}
FR: {{e.french}}
{% endfor %}
EN: {{INPUT.english}}

In this example, for each object in the output of the EXAMPLES block (which is an array of JSON
objects), create a line with the English sentence and French translation. Then, add a final line
with the English sentence from the INPUT block output english field.

The Tera templating language supports a variety of constructs including
loops and variable replacement. Please refer to the Tera Documentation for more details.


  • instructions: The instructions are passed to the model as initial system role message
    (see OpenAI's Chat guide).
    The instructions can be templated using the Tera templating language (see above for more details on templating).
  • messages_code: A Javascript function _fun which takes a single argument env (see the
    [Code block]( documentation for details) and returns
    an array (possibly empty) of messages (but you generally want at least one
    user role message). Messages should be objects with two fields: role and
    content. Values should be string. Possible values for role are user,
    agent and system
  • temperature: The temperature to use when sampling from the model. A higher temperature
    (e.g. 1.0) results in more diverse completions, while a lower temperature
    (e.g. 0.0) results in more conservative completions.
  • stop: An array of strings that should interrupt completion when sampled from the
  • max_tokens: The maximum number of tokens to generate from the model for the next
    message. It can be very broadly seen as a word worth of content. The model
    may decide to stop generation before reaching max_tokens.
  • frequency_penalty: Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based
    on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's
    likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.
  • presence_penalty: Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based
    on whether they appear in the text so far, increasing the model's likelihood
    to talk about new topics.
  • top_p: An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where
    the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass.
    So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are
  • functions_code: A Javascript function _fun which takes a single argument env (see the
    Code block documentation for details) and returns an array (possibly empty) of functions specification objects. Only available for selected OpenAI's models. See (OpenAI function calling guide) for
    more details.


  • provider_id: The model provider to use. One of openai, anthropic, mistral or
  • model_id: The model to use from the provider specified by provider_id.
  • temperature: An override for the temperature to use when sampling from the model. See the
    specification section for more details.
  • use_cache: Whether to rely on the automated caching mechanism of the llm block. If
    set to true and a previous request was made with the same specification
    and configuration parameters, then the cached response is returned.
  • use_stream: In the context of running an app by API. Whether to stream each token as
    they are emitted by the model. Currently only supported for provider_id
    set to openai.
  • function_call: If functions_code returns a list of functions specifications,
    function_call lets you influence how the model will decide whether to use
    a function or not. Possible values are auto, none, any or one of your
    functions' name (forcing the call of that function).

Map Reduce blocks

The map and reduce blocks are used to execute the set of blocks in between them on each elements
of an array, in parallel. The map block takes a block name as from specification argument. If
the output of the block referred to is an array, the execution stream will fork on each element of
the array. If the output is an object you can use the repeat specification argument to map on the
same element repeat times.

The reduce block does not take any argument and has the same name as its associated map block.
After executing a reduce block, each output of the blocks in between the map and reduce blocks
will be collected in an array accessible from any subsequent block.

Assume we have a MAPREDUCE map block whose from specification argument points to a block
whose output is an array of length 4. Assume it is followed by a DUMMY code block and an associated MAPREDUCE reduce block, and finally a FINAL code block. Also assume that the output of the DUMMY block is a simple { "foo": "bar" } object. The DUMMY code block will be executed 4 times in parallel, and as we execute the FINAL block, env.state.DUMMY will contain an array of 4 { "foo": "bar" } objects.


  • from: The name of the block's output to map on. If the output is an array, the
    execution stream will fork on each element of the array. If the output is an
    object you the repeat specification argument must be specified.
  • repeat: Only valid if the output of the from block is an object. The number of
    times to repeat the execution of the blocks in between the map and reduce blocks on the same object.

While End blocks

The while and end blocks are used to execute the set of blocks in between them sequentially
until a termination condition is met. The while block takes a condition argument expecting code
to be executed at each iteration of the loop. The code must return a boolean value. If the value is
true the loop continues, otherwise it stops.
The end block does not take any argument and has the same name as its associated while block.
After executing the end block, each output of the blocks in between the while and end blocks
will be collected in an array accesible from any subsequent block (see the Map Reduce
documentation for more details on this behavior).


  • condition: A javascript function _fun which takes a single argument env (see the
    Code block documentation for details) and returns
    a boolean value. If the value is true the loop continues, otherwise it
  • max_iterations: The maximum number of iterations to execute the blocks in between the
    while and end blocks. Must be set and has a maximum value of 32.

DataSource block

The data_source block provides an interface to query a Datasource and
return chunks that are semantically similar to the query provided. When executed, the query is
embedded using the embedding model set on the Data Source and the resulting embedding vector
is used to perform semantic search on the Data Source's chunks.

The output of the data_source block is a list of documents objects. Each document may include one or more Chunks (only those that were returned from the search). The documents are sorted by decreasing order of the max of their retrieved chunks score. Please refer to the Datasources overview for more details about how documents are chunked to enable semantic search.


  • query: The query to embed and use to perform semantic seach against the data
    source. The query can be templated using the
    Tera templating language
    (see the Chat block documentation for more details
    on templating).
  • full_text: Whether to return the full text of the retrieved documents (in addition to
    each chunk text). If true, each returned
    document object will have a text property
    containing the full text of the document.


  • top_k: The number of chunks to return. The resulting number of document objects may
    be smaller if multiple chunks from the same document are among the top_k
    retrieved chunks.
  • data_sources: An array of objects representing the Data Sources to query. Note that the
    Dust interface currently only supports adding one Data Source to a block,
    but you can pass many by API. The objects must have the following
    properties: workspace_id, the id of workspace who owns the Data Source,
    and, data_source_id, The name of the Data Source.
  • filter: An object representing the filters to apply to the query. The tags field
    is an object with properties in and not, both arrays of strings (the
    tags to filter on). The documents' tags must match at least one of the tags
    specified in in and none of the ones specified in not. The timestamp
    field is an object with properties lg and gt. The query will only return
    chunks from documents whose timestamp is greater than gt and lower than
    lt. The timestamp values are represented as epoch in ms. The filter
    configuration is optional. And each of the fields in tags or timestamp
    are also optional.
    Example filter:
      "tags": {"in": ["tag1", "tag2"], "not": null},
      "timestamp": {"gt": 1675215950729, "lt": 1680012404017}
    The and tags.not values can be templated using the
    Tera templating language (see the Chat block documentation for more details on templating).