JUMP TOOverviewDeveloper platformJavascript SDKCore ConceptsDatasourcesChunks and documentsRate limitsDUST API DocumentationOpenAPI & PostmanAssistantsGet agent configurationgetUpdate agent configurationpatchSearch assistants by namegetConversationsEvents streamingCancel message generation in a conversationpostCreate a content fragmentpostGet the events for a conversationgetGet a conversationgetEdit an existing message in a conversationpostGet events for a messagegetCreate a messagepostCreate a new conversationpostDatasourcesCreate a file upload URLpostRetrieve a document from a data sourcegetUpsert a document in a data sourcepostDelete a document from a data sourcedeleteUpdate the parents of a documentpostGet documentsgetSearch the data sourcegetGet a tablegetDelete a tabledeleteGet a rowgetDelete a rowdeleteList rowsgetUpsert rowspostGet tablesgetUpsert a tablepostGet data sourcesgetAppsGet an app rungetCreate an app runpostList appsgetDatasourceViewsGet a data source viewgetUpdate a data source viewpatchDelete a data source viewdeleteSearch the data source viewgetList Data Source ViewsgetSpacesList available spaces.getWorkspaceList assistantsgetGet workspace usage datagetDust appsWhat is a Dust App?Dust Apps: Core ConceptsBuild your first Dust AppBlocksCore blocksIntegration BlocksExamplesDUST LABSDust-Labs repositoryGet an app runget https://dust.tt/api/v1/w/{wId}/spaces/{spaceId}/apps/{aId}/runs/{runId}Retrieve a run for an app in the space identified by {spaceId}.