JUMP TOOverviewDeveloper platformJavascript SDKCore ConceptsDatasourcesChunks and documentsRate limitsDUST API DocumentationOpenAPI & PostmanAgentsGet agent configurationgetUpdate agent configurationpatchSearch agents by namegetConversationsEvents streamingCancel message generation in a conversationpostCreate a content fragmentpostGet the events for a conversationgetGet a conversationgetEdit an existing message in a conversationpostGet events for a messagegetCreate a messagepostCreate a new conversationpostFeedbacksGet feedbacks for a conversationgetSubmit feedback for a specific message in a conversationpostDelete feedback for a specific messagedeleteSearchSearch for nodes in the workspacepostAppsGet an app rungetCreate an app runpostList appsgetDatasourceViewsGet a data source viewgetUpdate a data source viewpatchDelete a data source viewdeleteSearch the data source viewgetList Data Source ViewsgetDatasourcesRetrieve a document from a data sourcegetUpsert a document in a data sourcepostDelete a document from a data sourcedeleteUpdate the parents of a documentpostGet documentsgetSearch the data sourcegetGet a tablegetDelete a tabledeleteGet a rowgetCreate a file upload URLpostDelete a rowdeleteList rowsgetUpsert rowspostGet tablesgetUpsert a tablepostGet data sourcesgetSpacesList available spaces.getWorkspaceList agentsgetGet workspace usage datagetDust appsWhat is a Dust App?Dust Apps: Core ConceptsBuild your first Dust AppBlocksCore blocksIntegration BlocksExamplesCreating a Dust app that calls an external serviceDUST LABSDust-Labs repositoryOpenAPI & PostmanOur API is documented using the OpenAPI 3.0 standardIf you want to interact with our API using other tools than our documentation, you can use our OpenAPI definition or Postman Collection to do so. OpenAPI file https://dust.tt/swagger.json Postman collection