JUMP TOOverviewDeveloper PlatformCore ConceptsDatasourcesChunks and documentsRate limitsDUST LABSDust-Labs repositoryAPI DocumentationAppsGet an app rungetCreate an app runpostList appsgetAssistantsSearch assistants by namegetConversationsEvents streamingCreate a content fragmentpostGet the events for a conversationgetGet a conversationgetGet events for a messagegetCreate a messagepostCreate a new conversationpostDatasourcesRetrieve a document from a data sourcegetUpsert a document in a data sourcepostDelete a document from a data sourcedeleteUpdate the parents of a documentpostGet documentsgetSearch the data sourcegetGet a tablegetDelete a tabledeleteGet a rowgetDelete a rowdeleteList rowsgetUpsert rowspostGet tablesgetUpsert a tablepostGet data sourcesgetWorkspaceList assistantsgetGet workspace usage datagetDust appsIntroduction to Dust AppsQuickstartBlocksCore blocksIntegration BlocksExamplesRate limitsAPI calls are rate limited, here are our current rate limits📘Rate limits are considered on a sliding window (minute, hour, day, etc.) Conversations 100 * number of users in the workspace messages per day 10 * number of users in the workspace messages per minute Datasources 120 document upserts per minute per workspace Dust apps runs 10,000 requests per day